23 08, 2020

FISHES Project


FISHES Project Fostering Indigenous Small-scale fisheries for Health, Economy and Food Security The EMRWB and the CTA are both partners in the FISHES research project, which is a multiyear study aiming to gain a better knowledge of the various stocks of sea-run Whitefish, Lake Cisco and Brook Trout in the Eeyou Marine Region. In the next few weeks, we will be sampling the fins from harvested fish and send them to the lab for genetic analysis. The EMR-CTA local officers in each coastal community will be the main contact persons. You can download a Printable PDF of the FISHES pamphlet [...]

FISHES Project2020-08-23T17:47:33+00:00
23 08, 2020

Beluga Observation Posters


Beluga Observation Posters now posted in communities   Please report your beluga observations! Beluga Poster Chisasibi There is very little documented information about beluga whales in the Eeyou Marine Region, so the Board is interested in collecting beluga observations along the coastline and in river mouths. We have these posters up in every coastal community, at the CTA office. Please contact your CTA-EMR local officer if you see a beluga! We welcome sightings from any community member, fisher or other land user. This will help us to monitor population numbers, identify critical habitat and distribution patterns. [...]

Beluga Observation Posters2020-08-23T17:52:10+00:00
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