Long-Term Monitoring of Bird Species Presence and Habitat Use in the Eeyou Marine Region


PROJECT PARTNERS: The National Audubon Society

DURATION: 2023-2025

the objective of this project is to increase local capacity and develop a long-term monitoring program for birds in the EMR. The information collected from this project will provide a better understanding of how bird populations change over time and contribute information to EMRWBs decision making process regarding bird species at risk.

In 2023-24 the EMRWB aims to:

Activity 1: Test two new Motus wildlife tracking stations in Waskaganish in 2023-24.

Activity 2: Develop a long-term passive monitoring program in the EMR using Autonomous Recording Units.

Activity 3: Host a workshop for Cree entities to build the capacity to develop, implement, and analyze data for bioacoustics monitoring projects.

Activity 4: Increase local capacity for storage of research materials.

Activity 5: Promote and encourage training for Crees in wildlife research and management by hiring a university student in the biology field as a summer intern.

2023-2024 PROGRESS:

Activity 1: The EMRWB is currently awaiting parts for our new and improved Motus towers!

Activity 2: The EMRWB has ordered 14 Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Minis and will be developing plans to deploy them in the summer of 2024.

Activity 3: Between January 23 & 25, the EMRWB hosted a bioacoustics workshop in Val d’Or, QC. The workshop was hosted by Tyne Baker of A/Vian Eco and provided information on the development and analysis of bioacoustics research projects.

The workshop was attended by 11 participants from the EMRWB, the Cree Nation Government, and FaunENord (photo right).

Activity 4: In December of 2023, Waskaganish, Eastmain, Wemindji, and Chisasibi received storage containers (photo above). These containers were delivered to the EMRWB office and CTA offices to increase storage capacity for research equipment.

Activity 5: The EMRWB hired its first ever Wildlife Management Intern from June-September 2024. Our intern, Marilyn Tomatuk, just completed her 3rd year in Biology at Nipissing University. She was able to join researchers and EMRWB staff to deploy Autonomous Recording Units, monitor polar bear populations, collect brant goose diet samples, and sample fish for contaminants (photo above).